
Other updates - Launch Week #2

Launch Week
Keita Mitsuhashi
Co-founder, COO

Morph AI Updates

Morph AI has been updated! Previously, its primary focus was on providing features for code editing, but with this new release, it can now answer questions about how to use the platform.

Additionally, Morph AI will suggest relevant questions based on the page you are currently viewing, making the experience of building data apps on Morph even more seamless and proactive.


Canvas Updates

Previously, each *.canvas.json file represented an individual Canvas, which required manual initialization.

With this update, a single Canvas is now automatically generated for the entire project. You can access this Canvas from the newly added Morph tab in VS Code. This enables immediate visualization of pipelines and AI-assisted implementation directly on the Canvas.


Environment Variables

Until now, environment variables were configured by writing them in a .env file. However, this approach raised security concerns since sensitive information was shared within the editor.

To address this, a new feature has been added to the Data tab, allowing you to configure environment variables directly within Morph. Once registered, these variables are no longer visible in the UI, ensuring safe management of sensitive information for team use. You can still access the configured variables in the same way as before.


YAML-Based Scheduling Management

Previously, scheduling for SQL and Python files was managed individually. With this update, all scheduling can now be centrally managed using morph_project.yml.

This change allows for faster and more flexible definition of multiple job schedules. Additionally, YAML files allow comments, enabling users to document and share configuration details easily.

Here’s an example of the new scheduling structure:

Copy code
    - cron: cron(0 11 * * 0)
      is_enabled: true
      timezone: Asia/Tokyo
        priority: high
        retry: 3

SQL Server Integration

Microsoft SQL Server integration has been added to SQL Connections as an external data source.

By simply entering your SQL Server connection details, you can seamlessly connect it to the Morph platform, empowering you to build data apps using SQL Server’s data.


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